Integrating Social Norms and Personal Norms in Gift Promotion
This study aims to find a strategy to make gift shops profitable and satisfy gift-givers, achieving a win-win situation.
This study aims to find a strategy to make gift shops profitable and satisfy gift-givers, achieving a win-win situation.
本研究首先運用爬蟲技術將文字評論資料抓取下來,經由文字探勘技術中情感分析法取得情感分數,接著運用情感分數資料與問卷調查資料,探究產後護理之家在Google Maps 上的評論與消費者認知評價間的關係、線上評論對於消費者購買意願之影響,以及消費者認知評價在線上評論對購買意願影響關係所扮演的中介角色。